Wednesday 4 February 2015


The natural ecosystems on global scale having almost similar biotic and a biotic conditions are called as biome. A Biome is a major ecological region of distinctive plant and animal group well adapted to the physical environment of its distribution area. The studies of biomes include study of global distribution Patten of climate, soil, plants and animals as well as their special adaptations to the regional climate.  
Vegetation is the most dominant component of biomes due to their enormous biomass. Vegetation and climate in turn are inter-related and world is divided into different biomes on the basis of major world climates, as following:
1.       Terrestrial Biome
(a)    Tundra Biome
(b)   Temperate Biome – Taiga Forest; Temperate Deciduous Forest; Temperate Grassland ; and Mediterranean
(c)    Tropical Biome - Desert; Tropical savanna ; and Tropical Forest
2.       Freshwater Biome
3.       Marine Biome
We will study Monsoon Biome which is actually included in Deciduous Forest Biome under Tropical Biome.

Monsoon Forest Biome
Monsoon forest biome is included in deciduous forest biome under Tropical Biome.

Location and Extent – (1) south and south East Asia excluding the equatorial rainforest areas; (2) Eastern Africa and northern Australia; (3) West indies islands. Besides these major areas monsoon forest biome or tropical deciduous forest biome is also found in Southern China. Taiwan, Western Madagascar, Eastern Africa, Southern part of South Africa, South east USA and parts around Venezuela.
Climate: Warm humid tropical climate with two distinct seasons’ viz. moist season and dry season. Rainfall ranges between 75 cm to 200 cm. Temperature ranges between 10º C to 45º C depending on season.
Soils: Soil depends on geological structure of the region but alternate wet and dry period lead to laterisation as the prevailing soil forming process.
Vegetation: The seasonal regime of annual monsoonal rainfall gives deciduous character to vegetations which shed their leaves during transitional period between winter and summer. The forest regime is characterized by open tree growth with medium height i.e. 10 to 30 m. Trees, shrubs, climbers (lianas, epiphytes) and grasses are present. Trees have rough, Course Park, large hydromorphic leaves or small, hard xenomorphic leaves. Sal, teak, bamboo, ber, neem, mango, etc, are main species.
Animals: From very small micro-organisms to very large bodied animals like elephants, rhinos, horses, forest buffalo, lions, tiger together with large number of bird species. This biome also carries large of domesticated animals and largest population of humans in the world.
Human interference: This is one of the most disturbed ecosystems in the world due to deforestation, urbanization, etc.

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