Wednesday 23 July 2014

India Climate /Seasons

 Climate /Seasons

The climate of India may be broadly described as tropical monsoon type. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) designates four official seasons: (i) Winter occurring from December to early April, (ii) Summer or pre-monsoon season , lasting from April to June , (iii) Monsoon or rainy season, lasting from July to September and (iv) Post- Monsoon season,  lasting from October to December.

The Himalayan states , being more temperate, experience an additional two seasons , autumn and spring. Traditionally , Indians note six seasons ,each about two months long. These are the spring (vasanta), Summer (grisma) , monsoon (varsa), early autumn (sarada), late autumn (hemanta) and winter (sisira).

Indian monsoon is affected by two seasonal winds –the north –east monsoon and the south – west monsoon (brings most of the rainfall). The north- east monsoon commonly known as winter monsoon blown from land to sea whereas south –west monsoon known as summer monsoon blows from sea to land after crossing the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea the Bay of Bengal.

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