Wednesday 23 July 2014



India is divided into 8 distinct – florestic regions namely, the western Himalayas, the eastern Himalayas, Assam ,the Indus plain, the Ganga plain ,the Deccan , Malabar and the Andamans.

The Himalayan region extending from Kashmir to Arunachal Pradesh through Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Meghalaya &Nagaland and the Deccan Peninsula is rich in endemic flora, with a large number of plants which are not found elsewhere .

India is in 10th position in the world and 4th in Asia in Plaint diversity .  From about 70 per cent geographical area surveyed so far, over  46,000 species of plants have been described by the Botanical  Survey of India , Kolkata.

Ethano- botanical study deals with the utilization of plants and plant products by ethnic races. It has been made by BSI . More than 800 plant species of ethno- botanical interest have been collected and identified .

BSI brings out an inventory of endangered plants in the form of a publication titled ” Red Data Book “. 1,336 plant species are considered vulnerable and endangered and 20 species of higher plants are extinct.            

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